Steel Mill Requirements
Steel mills require line blinds primarily on coke oven gas lines and blast furnace fuel line. As such the key purpose is to ensure personnel safety and to reduce potentially harmful emissions. The Cam-Set is the ideal choice for the Steel industry as they provide the following key features:
- 100% positive isolation
- No special tools or crane required
- Quick swing time - less than 60 seconds
- One side; one person operation
- Non Line Spreading
The Cam-set is designed to industry standards including ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessels code. We add a safety factor which results in a sturdy blinding mechanism that is ideal in challenging work environment such as a steel mill. 100% positive isolation ensures that maintenance staff are protected during essential repairs.
As is many industries time to carry out maintenance is very important. The Cam-Set minimises downtime -blinds can be swung in less than 60 seconds saving hours of time compared to traditional blinding methods. The above picture illustrates a 20 inch line blind that has a counter-weight enabling rapid swinging. In addition it can be operated from below by means of a chain driven hand wheel.
Fast; Safe and Convenient.
Our major customers in the steel industry include: ArcelorMittal , AK Steel, Corus Steel, Essar, Saarstahl AG, Tata Steel and US Steel